Welcome to ‘Hard Reset Me’ and where we strive to help you with knowledge and educational sources to be start again and be better. Our goal is nothing more then to help People and Humankind to Evolve and be the best it can be and better. Seems we aren’t doing that good of a job so a ‘Hard Reset’ is needed.
So what is a Hard Reset? > Examples HERE to assist you <
Which brings us to why this page is here…well many reasons. Namely is Resets of all kinds.
- mindset reset
- cultural resets
- humanity resets
- moral and value resets
- integrity resets
- identity resets
Honestly I could go on and just keep adding more and more to that list. The problem is the majority of the world is set in a very ‘Neanderthal’ dressed up to fake evolution and playing with technology that is stole. There is much more to share and even my rants and musing in the ‘Insights’ section of this site (these get emailed in while out in the world so very interesting at times).
This has been in the works for years but due to lack of time and everyday life it has been on the backburner. The information on this site is either from my own research, experiences or contributions from other people. All the information is free to share if you give a link back to this website to get us exposure and help others.
We will cover everything from parenting advice, working advice, mental health advice, sex advice, relationship advice and well…more then just advice…we will give you the best of what we can to help people of the world the best we can. Not for profit or sensationalism BUT we may have some ADs to help with our costs (cause hosting, space and internet is not free).
Also we welcome contributions that are constructive and informative. Please use our ‘Contact Us’ form located in the >> More Here << menu.
Over all else what does it mean at the end of the day? Well this is just our way to try and make a difference, educate the ignorant and be the change the world needs.