So I try to be honest and real with my daughter to her discontent. She does stupid stuff like a snap chat pictures every 5 seconds which will so backfire on her over time. So I asked her to not do in front of me or when I am around. I dont want to be reminded of this absurdity so I rather not be constantly reminded. Todays Gen seems to need constant affirmation from peers but they don't think of the security implications. For the record she is 17 starting university in the fall.
Today in order to hurt and manipulate her Mom she said 'I dont want to live here anymore'. This was due to me being real with her about how stupid certain actions she did and why. Her solution is move to her grandparents.
In my day my parents would have said 'there is the door' to call me on my bs/bluff. My view point is 'good luck cause you are spoiled living here' and no one else would put up with this drama.
Anyways, my suggestion is take away easy solutions when your kids throw a tantrum and then call their bluffs. They need to learn they will not always get their way and people will not always do what they want.

Reset Now is a family/parent person with many years experience in just about everything. Creating content and information resources to try and help everyone else without needing credit. If anything help you in any way from what has been out there please feel free to assist with our months costs with a donation. Thank you.