Costco Gatineau Adventures

Seems Costco is the new Walmart with the lower class element now. Today I saw some of the usual stuff like people have zero idea what side of the lane to be on etc. (hint - same way you drive a car in most of the world... products are on the right side like the side of the road). Other than that there was:- Some long curly haired girl showing so much chest and belly region she for sure had to shave for that. Did not surprise me she had the 'stripper tag' belly button bling either. Now note it is -20…
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Company Prejudice

I used to work for a company called FORTINET and it was so toxic. No appreciation and just more demand over and over for more work with the same pay. Just saw a post where they gave a desk award for 5 years for someone at the company. Minor thing BUT if they gave me that at 5 years maybe I would have filled their crazy demands. Except for me, at 10 years of service I got a box of power bars, a cardboard card that was generic and some useless mugs. My advice to any company wanting to be…
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Simple joys…not wanting to grow up

Would be nice if we could be kids forever to let someone else do all the work. In reality it does not work like that.My daughter thinks that because for a very short time she drove a car, worked a job, balanced swimming with social and lastly did school...that she is responsible and grown up.Then she goes and does her 14 year old shit again at 17. Still on occasion dresses like a flusy, lives for make-up and also takes a million pointless pictures for snap chat. Completely undoes all the credit for being grown up and being responsible. Then…
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New Year…Same Story

So it really makes me wonder about state of civilization when people can't even be polite to each other in a social structure or even going out to the shopping mall. I mean I'm out today running errands and it is a New Year and people are just pushing and shoving rudely bumping in rudely aviating people's personal space and it just baffles me that we just can't start a new year and a new way and new positivity.
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Learned stuff

Well so I managed to pass my 4 sections for my provincial license. That was a ton of work. Guess onwards and upwards. Dammit this has to pay off with all this stress. 
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Just when you hope for a change…

So we are out for my wifes birthday present show and am trying to make most of it. Sadly though I am reminded how immature my 17 year old is. I don't want to admit she is in university at this point. She acts like 14 still with foolish SnapChat high schoolish pics and other kid antics.Here is hoping she learns and takes influence from her older mature new university friends soon. Otherwise she will be judged on her kid actions moving forward and left behind.
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What happens after your days?

Have you ever stopped to think about 'after' your physical life days? I really don't think many people do and think that it does not matter how they live. You know the 'immoral' people who hurt others, scam, commit crimes of any nature. Also the ones that use the excuse 'I am not religious' because that is an excuse to behave badly? Then there are those that arrogantly believe that it was their 'duty' or a 'holy calling' bs. For me I would like to be there to stay witness to many in their end days. If for anything to…
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Rules are for everyone…you are not special

We all know what this means right? If you don't then look it up.There are people with special needs and accessibility issues that NEED these spots. If you are NOT one of them then don't park for a second even to 'run in quickly'. Just saw some scantily dressed female do this and I was ready to parent her but she looks like she had enough 'daddy issues'. Seriously don't make me get another license to be a bylaw enforcer and Crack down 'swift justice' on jerks like this. Learn, empathize and do better to teach the younger generation that rules are…
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Can you say…Vanity?

My daughter has become a narsasist! Even during video calls she is so preoccupied with her own vanity checking herself out. Argh!Seriously this I blame on social media and so called fashion. She was raised better then this and is becoming an asshole 'look at me' little twat. I so hope she matures out of this stage fast or I am going to snap. 
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Vacation time!

Finally the girls are away in Cuba and I have the house to myself. No drama or bullshit. Just time to clear my head and relax. No needing to set the example this week and I get to recharge.Wish I did not have to study but that is needed to start the next prosperous chapter in my life. Hope this parenting crap is more forgiving when she starts university. This childish crap is wearing me out. Like she feels she is missing out but she does not realize how epic her teenage years have actually been. Guess only in retrospect…
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