I used to work for a company called FORTINET and it was so toxic. No appreciation and just more demand over and over for more work with the same pay. Just saw a post where they gave a desk award for 5 years for someone at the company. Minor thing BUT if they gave me that at 5 years maybe I would have filled their crazy demands. Except for me, at 10 years of service I got a box of power bars, a cardboard card that was generic and some useless mugs.
My advice to any company wanting to be successful and RESPECTED: appreciate your loyal staff because if you treat them right then if you failed they would make greater sacrifices. DONT sacrifice loyal employees to make a faceless investor happy.

Reset Now is a family/parent person with many years experience in just about everything. Creating content and information resources to try and help everyone else without needing credit. If anything help you in any way from what has been out there please feel free to assist with our months costs with a donation. Thank you.