Have you ever stopped to think about ‘after’ your physical life days?
I really don’t think many people do and think that it does not matter how they live. You know the ‘immoral’ people who hurt others, scam, commit crimes of any nature. Also the ones that use the excuse ‘I am not religious’ because that is an excuse to behave badly? Then there are those that arrogantly believe that it was their ‘duty’ or a ‘holy calling’ bs.
For me I would like to be there to stay witness to many in their end days. If for anything to say ‘we told you so’.
Think about this reader when you do anything shifty or wrong. You may have a forever existence of damnation and not in the biblical sense.

Reset Now is a family/parent person with many years experience in just about everything. Creating content and information resources to try and help everyone else without needing credit. If anything help you in any way from what has been out there please feel free to assist with our months costs with a donation. Thank you.