Actions speak volumes

Anyone else watch idiot drivers or young people trying to look cool/hard but they make themselves look like fools? Noticed a group of boys driving in a black civic today; no signals and irratic driving just looking stupid. They had that look like 'I am too gangsta to follow the rules'. So laughable that I so wanted to go up and let them know....problem is like most idiots they would puff up their chest to not admit their stupid behavior. Oh I weep for our species if people like this are allowed to procreate.
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Why do people need any attention even if bad?

It does not make sense to me the constant craving some people have for attention. Sorry you were not hugged enough as a child BUT the wrong kinda attention is not healthy. No need to sexualize yourself and be cheap and slutty for attention. That is not substance and if that is the ONLY reason someone gives you attention then you are in for a world of hurt.  Also in reality...I dont care who you are. Unless you did something heroic, selfless and righteous, YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING!
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Piercings are child’s play

For the life of me I will never understand why my daughter is so attached to her belly piercing. Makes her look cheap and easy. Hope she grows out of that and her attitude closer to 18. Seems when she turned 17 last week it came with an attitude and roll back of 3 years of maturity. Why do kids make it so difficult on parents?
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