Costco Gatineau Adventures

Seems Costco is the new Walmart with the lower class element now. Today I saw some of the usual stuff like people have zero idea what side of the lane to be on etc. (hint - same way you drive a car in most of the world... products are on the right side like the side of the road). Other than that there was:- Some long curly haired girl showing so much chest and belly region she for sure had to shave for that. Did not surprise me she had the 'stripper tag' belly button bling either. Now note it is -20…
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Company Prejudice

I used to work for a company called FORTINET and it was so toxic. No appreciation and just more demand over and over for more work with the same pay. Just saw a post where they gave a desk award for 5 years for someone at the company. Minor thing BUT if they gave me that at 5 years maybe I would have filled their crazy demands. Except for me, at 10 years of service I got a box of power bars, a cardboard card that was generic and some useless mugs. My advice to any company wanting to be…
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Simple joys…not wanting to grow up

Would be nice if we could be kids forever to let someone else do all the work. In reality it does not work like that.My daughter thinks that because for a very short time she drove a car, worked a job, balanced swimming with social and lastly did school...that she is responsible and grown up.Then she goes and does her 14 year old shit again at 17. Still on occasion dresses like a flusy, lives for make-up and also takes a million pointless pictures for snap chat. Completely undoes all the credit for being grown up and being responsible. Then…
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New Year…Same Story

So it really makes me wonder about state of civilization when people can't even be polite to each other in a social structure or even going out to the shopping mall. I mean I'm out today running errands and it is a New Year and people are just pushing and shoving rudely bumping in rudely aviating people's personal space and it just baffles me that we just can't start a new year and a new way and new positivity.
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