Would be nice if we could be kids forever to let someone else do all the work. In reality it does not work like that.
My daughter thinks that because for a very short time she drove a car, worked a job, balanced swimming with social and lastly did school…that she is responsible and grown up.
Then she goes and does her 14 year old shit again at 17. Still on occasion dresses like a flusy, lives for make-up and also takes a million pointless pictures for snap chat. Completely undoes all the credit for being grown up and being responsible. Then she has the balls to say 'well I am almost 18' like that means anything.
No special privileges at 18 unless the maturity LONG TERM justifies it. Going to be a wake up call for her. Anyone can do shit short term and fake it. Show me like at least a full year…then I will be impressed. Right now she is 14 in my mind regardless…book smart yes at 90% of her intelligence for sure. Real world smarts at 10% sadly.
I had 40% real world smarts at 10 years old. I weep for GenZ and generations to follow if this norm is the standard.

Reset Now is a family/parent person with many years experience in just about everything. Creating content and information resources to try and help everyone else without needing credit. If anything help you in any way from what has been out there please feel free to assist with our months costs with a donation. Thank you.