Rules are for everyone…you are not special

We all know what this means right? If you don't then look it up.There are people with special needs and accessibility issues that NEED these spots. If you are NOT one of them then don't park for a second even to 'run in quickly'. Just saw some scantily dressed female do this and I was ready to parent her but she looks like she had enough 'daddy issues'. Seriously don't make me get another license to be a bylaw enforcer and Crack down 'swift justice' on jerks like this. Learn, empathize and do better to teach the younger generation that rules are…
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Can you say…Vanity?

My daughter has become a narsasist! Even during video calls she is so preoccupied with her own vanity checking herself out. Argh!Seriously this I blame on social media and so called fashion. She was raised better then this and is becoming an asshole 'look at me' little twat. I so hope she matures out of this stage fast or I am going to snap. 
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Vacation time!

Finally the girls are away in Cuba and I have the house to myself. No drama or bullshit. Just time to clear my head and relax. No needing to set the example this week and I get to recharge.Wish I did not have to study but that is needed to start the next prosperous chapter in my life. Hope this parenting crap is more forgiving when she starts university. This childish crap is wearing me out. Like she feels she is missing out but she does not realize how epic her teenage years have actually been. Guess only in retrospect…
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Time to test people

So an interesting test I tried the other day was sending an open ended message to people on my friends lists. It really gives you an idea on a few things:1) Where people are at in their development and maturity in life2) Those that care to reply with meaning3) Your relative important to themI received a few unexpected 'canned' replies from people sadly. Making a list of 'dont matter of I talk to them again' and 'those that care enough to matter'. Maybe you should try it to see where you stay with people too?
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Actions speak volumes

Anyone else watch idiot drivers or young people trying to look cool/hard but they make themselves look like fools? Noticed a group of boys driving in a black civic today; no signals and irratic driving just looking stupid. They had that look like 'I am too gangsta to follow the rules'. So laughable that I so wanted to go up and let them know....problem is like most idiots they would puff up their chest to not admit their stupid behavior. Oh I weep for our species if people like this are allowed to procreate.
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Why do people need any attention even if bad?

It does not make sense to me the constant craving some people have for attention. Sorry you were not hugged enough as a child BUT the wrong kinda attention is not healthy. No need to sexualize yourself and be cheap and slutty for attention. That is not substance and if that is the ONLY reason someone gives you attention then you are in for a world of hurt.  Also in reality...I dont care who you are. Unless you did something heroic, selfless and righteous, YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING!
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Piercings are child’s play

For the life of me I will never understand why my daughter is so attached to her belly piercing. Makes her look cheap and easy. Hope she grows out of that and her attitude closer to 18. Seems when she turned 17 last week it came with an attitude and roll back of 3 years of maturity. Why do kids make it so difficult on parents?
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Wishing It Was Magical

So my daughter had her Prom yesterday and then an after party which made her Mom and I suffer by picking her up at 4:30 in the morning. What I find interesting is the naive mindset of teenagers thinking that these events are magical and life changing. As we all know when we grow up further that all this was fun for the moment but had zero impact on our life. If we get stuck in the memory of this experience we would never move forward.Sad that the reality is that all these people as well she holds dear as…
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Being Real with Daughter

So I try to be honest and real with my daughter to her discontent. She does stupid stuff like a snap chat pictures every 5 seconds which will so backfire on her over time. So I asked her to not do in front of me or when I am around. I dont want to be reminded of this absurdity so I rather not be constantly reminded. Todays Gen seems to need constant affirmation from peers but they don't think of the security implications. For the record she is 17 starting university in the fall. Today in order to hurt and manipulate…
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Is it me or is the world becoming darker?

Got me thinking today that the world appears to be getting darker and people are getting colder. Seems many of us have not realized that our actions affect everything else no matter how small we feel at times. Do the world powers not realize that 'they' will not be saved in the extreme of trying to get rid of everyone else? The 'after life' that so many people put stock into MAY NOT be what the advertisement sold you. Maybe be kind and generous in this life (just in case)?
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